
一拖再拖的泰迪熊發聲絨毛娃娃吊飾終於上市了, 第一波到貨的是R級的, 有吊飾, 也有8英呎的絨毛娃娃, 下面是他講的話, 好像也沒講什麼髒話, 呵呵. 不過就是比較成人會用的用語.  PG 版的會陸續到貨, 需要訂購的朋友請留言喔, 謝謝

  1. Hey Johnny, how about a beer, huh?
  2. C'mere ya bastard!
  3. You know what I'd like to do to her, something I call the dirty Fozzie.
  4. I look like something you give your kid when you tell them Grandma died.
  5. C'mon, I don't sound that much like Peter Griffin.
  6. I didn't know you had a baby, is it alive?
  7. I love you. Okay, alright, so that's where we'll draw the line.
  8. C'mon, I don't sound that much like Peter Griffin.
  9. Stick your finger in the loop of my tag.
  10. That's my bad, I was sending a tweet.
  11. Will you take care of me for ever and ever!
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